The existing Fort Washington Marina was expanded to include a permanent sales office and workshops for the sale and maintenance of marine vessels. ODG designed four new workshops and sales office buildings totalling 3,400 gsf. These structures include a woodworking mobile structure, a marine propulsion shop, a graphics and sales shop, and a temporary pole structure to work on boats in inclement weather. All structures were included in the overall master plan and storm water mitigation plan that ODG prepared.
The 700 gsf graphics shop and sales office was designed as an independent structure, separate from the spray paint shop, in order to protect the quality of air in the graphics printer room. 3-D models were presented to the client so he could better envision the proposed design of the structure. ODG prepared the code analysis and permit documents for federal, state, and county reviews. The project’s location was coordinated with the National Park Service to ensure it did not obstruct the Mount Vernon viewshed. Architectural services were completed in 2007.